SASA was established in order to promote the discipline and the profession of sociology.
SASA was established in order to promote research, teaching and debate about society.
SASA was established in order to promote cooperation at the national, regional and international level among persons engaged in the study of society.
The South African Sociological Association is committed to a democratic South Africa, where all enjoy economic, political and social justice and freedom from all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, nationality, race and gender. SASA was established in 1993 in order to: promote the discipline and the profession of sociology; promote research, teaching and debate about society; and promote cooperation at the national, regional and international level among persons engaged in the study of society. The Southern African region has undergone rapid and fundamental changes in the last decade, and is faced with many challenges, including the democratisation of state and society, fighting the HIV/Aids epidemic through the creation of awareness, eradicating all spheres of society of racism and other forms of discrimination and inequality and attempting to engage in a globalising world, where the threat of ever increasing marginalisation is a reality. The Association is committed to the development of a vibrant social science community in Southern Africa which can make a meaningful contribution to the analysis of society in the context of these changes and challenges, with the aim of developing a just and equitable society....
On this website the following statement can be found: “The Association is committed to the development of a vibrant social science community in Southern Africa which can make a meaningful contribution to the analysis of society in the context of these changes and challenges, with the aim of developing a just and equitable society.”
As the council, we know that it is impossible to realise this vision of a “vibrant social science community” without focusing on that idea of community. One of the ways we have decided to focus on this notion is by shining a light on what is already happening in the sociological and broader social science community in South (and southern) Africa.
One possible way to do this will be to use the SASA name and platform to promote activities that our members find relevant and important such as seminars, conferences, book launches and/or other events so that it could reach a greater audience (whether online or not). More specifically, we intend to dedicate a page on the SASA website and/or social media presence to promote these events.
It is our intention that by doing this SASA could contribute to the development of that envisioned “vibrant social science community” by promoting relevant social science events and scholarship.
Please send your announcements and notices to our Webmaster, Percyval Bayane: [email protected] Or ask him or any member of our Executive Committee for further details of this facility....
Tribute to the doyen of Sociology- Michael Burawoy 1947-2025
The South African Sociological Association (SASA) is devastated to learn of the tragic passing of Professor Emeritus Michael Burawoy (1947–2025), whose enduring scholarship and intellectual
Newly elected executive and council 2024-25
Dear SASA Members and Community,
We would like to congratulate and welcome the newly elected executive and council 2024-25.
South African Sociological Association Notice on the passing of Professor Eddie Webster, Umadala we Sociology
SASA Virtual Office – c/o Department of Sociology
Notice to the South African Sociological Association on the heartbreaking news of the passing of Dr Sheila Manka
Notice to the South African Sociological Association on the heartbreaking news of the passing of Dr Sheila Manka:
The South African Sociological
SASA was established in 1993
The South African Sociological Association is committed to a democratic South Africa, where all enjoy economic, political and social justice and freedom from all forms of discrimination on the basis of religion, nationality, race and gender.
Prof Grace Khunou (UJ) was elected to the Executive Committee (National Associations) of the International Sociological Association at the recent ISA conference held in Toronto, Canada
The SASA council for the period 2022 - 2023 was elected at the Annual General Meeting:
The executive for this period is
President: Chinwe Obuaku-Igwe
Vice President: Jantjie Xaba
Treasurer: Bianca Tame
Secretary: Sarah Gibson
President: Chinwe Obuaku-Igwe
Vice President: Jantjie Xaba
Treasurer: Bianca Tame
Secretary: Sarah Gibson